prisma APP

prisma APP

prisma APP gives you meaningful information about your therapy along with personalised tips and recommendations. You can set your own therapy goals and receive information about your therapy progress. You can also open a therapy journal and generate personal reports. With prisma APP you can control your device remotely and adjust comfort settings of your device just from the bedside. Finally, the prisma APP lets you transmit your data as needed to your doctor or device dealer. At Vivisol we would really appreciate if you could download the app and confirm permissions to ‘share health information with your provider’ this will ensure we can support you even if there are connectivity issues, as we will always be able to view your results.


Therapy journal

In the therapy journal you can see your therapy progress and very simply document how good you feel.


Data analytics

The additional information from the prisma APP tells you all about your therapy.


Weekly view

In the weekly view you can monitor your personal progress.



Set your personal goals with prisma APP and get feedback.


Comfort settings

The comfort settings in your prisma device can be adjusted conveniently via your smartphone.

Please click here for a step-by-step guide to how to download the app, connect to your device and share your data.

Download the prisma APP:

prisma APP on the App Store (

prisma APP - Apps on Google Play


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